Last updated at 2025-03-13 03:17:06

How to update RTT information

This page is for anyone who is confused about how to update RTT information in Mudfish v5. :-)


In many countries—especially in continental Europe—a comma (,) is used as the decimal separator instead of a dot (.). For example:

  • Germany, Austria, and Switzerland (German-speaking regions)
  • France, Belgium, Luxembourg
  • Italy, Spain, Portugal
  • The Netherlands, Denmark, Finland, Norway (and other northern European countries)
  • Some countries in South America (e.g., Brazil, Chile) also use commas for decimals.

If the decimal separator for your system locale uses comma (,), please consider to change the configuration to dot (.) because Mudfish Launcher has an issue to sync RTT information.


  • Run the Mudfish v5 program as an administrator and log in. Please note that it is assumed here that there is an item you are using.
  • Click "Connect" on the left to make the Mudfish Core process run. Please check whether the mudfish is running properly or if there is an error.
  • Wait 2 minutes now.
  • Now click on your active item on the "Dashboard", then click on the "Configuration" tab to go to the mudfish node options.
  • You can see the RTT update button in the middle, and click the button.

How to update RTT information (last edited 2025-03-13 03:17:06 by loxch)