Revision 8 as of 2018-11-30 07:19:15

Black Desert - Japan

This game has a regional restriction policy to be accessed from outland visitors. Even worse, Pmang (game publisher) blocks some Japan IP address ranges which used by VPN providers and specially Mudfish. :-) So you need to find a working mudfish node to access their game.

How to find a mudfish node working (easiest)

  1. Install Mudfish extension for Chrome or Firefox browsers. It's available at link.

  2. When it's installed, pick a mudfish node which locates at Japan. Your authentication username and password is mudfish's one. If it's changed, it automatically pops up a tab for to show your access point.

  3. Visit with browser.

  4. Is it working? If yes, it's cool! You can use this mudfish node for game access.
  5. If it's not working, goto step 2 and pick a another mudfish japan node. Then follow step 3 until you find a working node.

When you find a working mudfish node, you can use it for Full VPN mode or items. Please be aware that there are multiple mudfish japan nodes blocked by Pmang explicitly.